I will let you see, hear and feel how to boost your presentation, even under pressure.

I enjoy helping people to step into the spotlight and be as relaxed and confident as possible.

To address all the inquisitive questions by reporters, I will help you with straightforward answers.

Breathing is the motor of your voice.

In the event of a crisis, getting the information out is key. You need to start communicating immediately. It is essential that you work quickly to gather all the facts so you are ready to answer the first questions by reporters. What can I do for you in that situation? I can help you to present the best possible statement and message.

So what do you say, what information do you leave out? Which strategy will you use to keep the damage down to a minimum? You have to realize that a crisis has a major impact on the organization, your employees and your company’s credibility. I can provide you with Media Training, Presentation Skills Training and Voice & Speech Coaching to support the crisis communications. Further RF Consult provides coaching and training for Executives in Executive Communication and Leadership Presence.